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Tuesday 29 July 2014

Where Time Stood Still Amiga - Released!

Many Amiga users have been waiting to play Where Time Stood Still on their 16 bit machines ever since Denton Designs released it for the ZX Spectrum way back in 1988.

Well, as of this evening your wait is finally over, as Fairlight's Galahad has released the much publicised Atari ST conversion into "The Zone" over on the English Amiga board.

There are a few notes and rules that go with the release, but you'll see that they're all fair and extremely reasonable;

1). When using WinUAE, ALWAYS use Cycle Exact, its the most accurate method of emulating.
2). WHDLoad version is being worked on by Codetapper and will be available tomorrow.  
3). You are welcome to host this version anywhere you like.
4). It may NOT be cover mounted on a physical magazine, nor can it be sold. I didn't do this for zero money for someone else to make money off it! 
5). Trainer makers...... do NOT remove the intro this time Plenty of space on the disk, use it! 
6). Amiga options activate with a press of F8 on the title screen. 
7). Music/SFX option on the character select box (activated by SPACE BAR) do not do anything. So no bug reports on that ta! 
8). Enjoy the game, it took longer than I wanted, but I wanted to deliver the best version possible. Also thanks to Mr.Spiv and Asman for their invaluable ideas"
The game can be downloaded from The Zone, at this link:, but you'll need to be a member before you can get access to this area of the site.

Credits, release notes and trivia regarding the conversion can be found in this thread, over on The English Amiga Board.

Now, go off and enjoy the game, and if you like it do post up to the English Amiga Board and let the team who converted and enhanced it know what you think. It really is an amazing effort on the part of a number of people, and a quick thank you goes a very long way.

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