Following the demise of Commodore back in 1994, the majority of Amiga user groups slowly dwindled in membership, and quietly passed into memory.
The South West Amiga Group (SWAG), which served Amigans based around the Swindon, Bristol and Bath area was no exception. It limped along into the early 2000's before folding due to lack of interest.
Seeing the continued success of the Lincs Amiga Group, English Amiga Board member zerohour1974, recently kicked-off a thread to see if there was any interest in bringing SWAG back to life.
At the time of posting this, four Amiga users based in the South West have expressed an interest, and a venue is being investigated.
If you think this is something you'd be keen to be part of then please respond to THIS thread over on the English Amiga Board.
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