The latest Amiga game news, reviews and opinions.



This blog has been set up to provide Amiga users with one central point of reference for new game announcements, reviews and discussions.

With the sheer number of Amiga forums and news feeds scattered across the vast expanse of the internet it can be difficult to keep up with what's going on in the Amiga gaming scene, as a new title may be announced in one location, but this then fails to filter through to the various other sites.

The idea behind the Amiga Gamer blog is to pull all the Amiga gaming news in to one place. Instead of having to trawl numerous sites for that nugget of news or run the risk of missing the release of a new title you simply visit this blog for the latest Amiga game coverage.

The site is currently a work in progress, so please check back often, and if you see something we're not talking about please let us know!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi!,

    I have added your RSS to Retroinvaders, a old-retro games/computer planet.

    Your posts:

    Tell me if there is any problem with this.

    You can promote your website writing an article for self presentation, and if you want you can put a banner RetroInvaders (

    Best regards!!

    José Zanni (Josepzin)

  4. Hi, excellent blog. Added your site to AmigaOS on G+

  5. Hi

    I would like to program somenthing on Amiga. I used to be a programmer on Amiga, now I do it on Pc, programming 3d stuff.

    I have to polish my Amiga skill, but I hope to be on track sooner

  6. Hi, this is Kitty from Commodore is Awesome, can you change our url link here to

    Many thanks ;)

    1. Hi. Many thanks for your message. The Commodore is Awesome link has now been updated.

      I now just need to find some time to update the blog.

      Keep up the great work!
