The latest Amiga game news, reviews and opinions.


Friday 8 February 2013

DOSBox Amiga 0.74 - Wing Commander 2

As you can see from the navigation bar on the right-hand-side, one of the most read updates I've posted to this blog relates to the Amiga port of DOSBOX, an application enabling you to run old MSDOS titles on your trusty Miggy.

NovaCoder's work developing this for the Amiga continues, and at version 0.74 he decided it was time to demonstrate Wing Commander 2 running on the Amiga. Yes, it's slow and you'll need a decent speed 060 processor, but as the emulator's not even reached version 1 yet it's already generating some impressive results.

Take a look at the video below to see it in action;

Naturally, as soon as further news breaks on this fascinating project I'll update the blog.

*** UPDATE *** Since posting this blog Novacoder has significantly improved the performance of DOSBox Amiga, and has uploaded new footage of Wing Commander 2 in action.

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