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Thursday 29 November 2012

Halloween Nightmare - A Stunning Backbone Creation

I'd like to go back to late 2007 for today's blog post, and to a Backbone created game called "Halloween Nightmare", of which a demo was released in October of that year.

I realise this isn't new, but until Christian over at pointed me in the direction of this I didn't know it existed.

Although this is a demo, and put together in the often sneered at Backbone, it looks absolutely lovely, and shows what the package can do in the right hands.

Here's some background information on the demo, taken from the readme;
"Halloween Nightmare is our working title for a new Amiga platform game. It's only a one level demo as a special Halloween present to the Amiga community.

The full game will be coming soon and released by Underground Arcade, an Amiga games company.

Your mission is to free the kids that have been turned to stone, and get to the house on the hill to exit the game. Watch out for the bats, wraiths and pumpkins that have come to life. Pick up candy for bonus points too".
According to the readme, the demo has been extensively tested, and works on the following systems:

A1200 020 4MB Fast RAM + PCMCIA Compact Flash Adapter
A1200 030 16MB Fast RAM + PCMCIA Compact Flash Adapter
A1200 040 32MB Fast RAM
A1200 060
A1200 060 + Mediator
AmigaOne and OS4 (via UAE)
Windows PC (via WinUAE)

For those too lazy or unable to install the game on an Amiga, you can see the game in action below.

If you'd like to try out the demo on your Amiga, point your web browser over to:

Don't forget, if you enjoy the demo contact the developers and let them know what you think. Perhaps some decent feedback will encourage the team to complete the full game and get it released.

My thanks go to Christian of for giving me the heads-up on this one, and to s2325 for uploading footage of the game in action to YouTube.

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